Walk-in-interview at Eastern Organic Fertilizer Pvt Ltd | Welder, Fitter, Grinder, Helper, Operator, Dumper, Loader | Secondary (10th Pass) or above |

Positions – Welder, Fitter, Grinder, Helper, Operator, Dumper, Loader
Location – Kolkata, West Bengal
Salary – ₹10,000 to ₹12,000 a year + Accommodation
Time & Venue
- 27-28 MAY 10AM -2PM
- Address – Eastern Organic Fertilizer Pvt.Ltd (EOFPL), Mathpukur, Dhapa,Kolkata-700105
- Contact number – 033-22517429
Job decription
- Welder – Perform welding from various departments with help of welding torches and arcs.Analyze defective equipment and identify appropriate defective equipment and inform supervisors.Administer various components and perform welding of clamps, holding and bolts according to specifications.Manage work with help of manual welding machines and melt metals for various processes.
- Grinder – Tends mill and separating equipment that grinds scrap or vulcanized rubber to reclaim and reprocess rubber: Turns hand wheel to adjust clearance between corrugated rollers of machine to accommodate stock.Loads rubber into machine hopper. Starts machine and observes stock to ensure passage through rollers.
- Fitter – Examine detailed drawings or specifications to find out job, material and equipment requirements,Set up and adjust metalworking machines and equipment.Operate machines to produce parts or tools by turning, boring, milling, planing, shaping, slotting, grinding or drilling metal stock or components.
- Helper- Assists MAINTENANCE MECHANIC in repairing and maintaining machinery and mechanical equipment: Carries tools and equipment to and from storage and working areas. Holds scaffolding members in place or tightens bolts to erect working platforms about machines. Pulls handles to raise materials and tools to working levels. Loosens bolts to dismantle machinery.