DRDO is Hiring | JRF |

Position – JRF Mechanical
Organization – DRDO
Exp. – 0 to 1 year
Salary – 31000 to 54000/- Per month
Location – Telangana
Job description
- BE/B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering with First Division.
- Desirable: Preference shall be given to those who have either M.Tech degree or GATE Qualified.
General Conditions:
- Eligible candidate’s applications in specified proforma as per Annexure-II (DRDO website) and along with scanned copies of required certificates/testimonials, Community Certificate, or degrees may be sent to the e-mail ID admin@dmrl.drdo.in on or before 02.01.2021.
- Procedure (Web-Based/ In-Person), time and date of interview for selection of candidates will be informed in due course by E-mail & SMS.
- No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview or for joining, if selected, candidates will be required to produce certificates/testimonials in original and one set of attested photocopies at the time of interview.
- Fellowship Emoluments: Rs. 31,000/~ per month for JRF and Rs. 54,000/~ for Research Associate with applicable H.R.A and Medical facilities are applicable as per rules.
- Tenure: JRF The post is temporary and the maximum tenure is 05 (Five) years. The initial tenure will be of 02 (Two) years and will subsequently be elevated to SRF for the remaining 03 (Three) years subject to satisfactory performance to be assessed as per DRDO Guidelines RA The post if temporary and maximum tenure is 02 (Two) years
- Age Limit: The age limit for JRF and RA is a maximum of 28 years and 35 years, respectively as of the date of the interview. The age is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates.
- Only Candidates who have completed the course and awarded a degree/provisional certificate are eligible to apply for the JRF position. However, the candidates appearing for final year BE/B.Tech/M.Sc/M.Tech is eligible to apply although the JRF position shall be awarded only after the candidate has received the provisional certificate for the B.E/B.Tech./M.Sc. degree.
- Only candidates who have completed their Master’s Degree (M.Sc/M.Tech as desired in essential qualification) and have three years experience and candidates who have completed their Ph.D. are eligible to apply for the Research Associateship position. Candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis may also apply. However, the Research Associateship shall be awarded only after the candidate has received the provisional certificate for a Ph.D. degree.
- The candidates who applied for JRF may be allowed to register for a Ph.D. with any University/Institution during the tenure of the fellowship.
- Candidates will be required to produce all certificates/testimonials, Community Certificate, if applicable, in original during the interview.
- The offer of fellowship does not confer on the candidates any right for absorption in DRDO under any circumstances.
- Candidates working in Govt/Public sector undertaking / Autonomous bodies should produce no objection certificate to attend the interview.